For Women Only

Sekali-kali rasanya ingin ngobrol tentang sesuatu yang akan terjadi atau sudah pernah terjadi pada diri kita, para wanita yakni Menopause. Bukan maksud untuk mengumbar sesuatu yang mungkin tidak perlu untuk di ekspose, tapi ingin kita bisa saling berbagi.. bila ada yang mengalami perasaan yang sama..
Lambat laun hal itu terjadi, dan saat inipun sudah terjadi. Ya, di usia 43 tahun, saya “terpaksa” mengalaminya lebih awal. Dikarenakan penyakit, sehingga harus mengalami operasi pengangkatan rahim dan sebagian indung telur, dan itu artinya sudah berhenti menstruasi. Ada hal yang patut disyukuri, antara lain bisa menjalankan ibadah puasa Ramadahan dengan penuh, Insya Allah.

Ada keluhan-keluhan yang membuat tubuh terasa tidak nyaman seperti, pegal-pegal disekujur tubuh disertai rasa linu, sakit kepala, gampang lelah, sering ngantuk, emosional dan lain sebagainya. Ada yang bilang, mungkin karena kurang olah raga.. tapi nyatanya meski sudah renang seminggu 2-3 kali,ditambah yoga seminggu sekali, minum vitamin dan suplemen, tetap saja.. rasanya seperti orang “uzur”
Ada kutipan dari Resensi Buku What's Age Got to Do with It?: Living Your Healthiest and Happiest Life by Robin McGraw yang saya ambil dari
• "I'm 42-years-old, but feel like I'm 62."
• "I have lost my glow."
• "I miss the woman I used to be."
• "I'm so afraid of getting older."
• "I want to feel healthy and alive again"
If you've had these or similar thoughts, you're not alone. Robin McGraw, wife of television talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw, receives thousands of emails from women asking her what she does to look and feel so vibrant, energetic and healthy at the age of 55. It all started back in Robin's twenties and thirties when pivotal moments in her life made her realize that if she did not put her health and well-being first, no one else would. One such moment came in her early thirties when Robin experienced the sudden death of her mother, a wonderful woman who put the needs of her family above her own and, as a result, didn't know that her health was ailing. This tragedy made Robin realize that in order to be the best wife, mother and woman possible, she had to take care of herself as if her life depended on it.

In What's Age Got To Do With It, Robin urges you to do the same and shows you that it's not selfish to take care of yourself. Robin says, "I wrote this book, not only to answer questions about what I do to stay healthy and in shape, but to remind women that it's time to move yourself to the top of your list of priorities. If you can't do it for you, then do it for your family. Because my precious mother never did that, she missed out on so many wonderful years and experiences. I realized that it doesn't make you a better wife or parent if you're sacrificing everything -including your health, soul and spirit -for your family. I refuse to perpetuate that legacy and I want you to join me and get excited about living your life in a passionate, happy and healthy way. Mungkin diantara teman-teman sudah ada yang membaca buku tersebut? Bila ada yang sudah membaca, tolong ceritakan ya .. (suatu saat saya akan membelinya).

Sebenarnya takut mengeluh, karena khawatir dikatakan tidak bersyukur.. tapi memang hal itu yang dirasakan.. ada rasa hampa dan rasa lelah yang luar biasa. Bila harus menghadiri suatu acara malam hari, itu artinya saya harus tidur siang, karena bila tidak seperti menderita 4L : Lesu, Lelah, Letih, Lemah. Terkadang nyeri di punggung, juga sakit kepala. Satu hal lagi rasanya malas. Rasanya ingin seperti Robin Mc Graw, tetap bergairah, sehat dan bahagia. ” It's never too early to start taking care of yourself, but it's also never, ever too late," begitu katanya.
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